“India’s No. 1 DMIT Company”

  • Phone - 9026523736
  • Email - connect@tyb10x.com

“India’s No. 1 DMIT Company”

  • Phone - 9026523736
  • Email - connect@tyb10x.com

Explore Yourself with the DMIT Test

Discovering who you are today is the first step to being who you will be tomorrow.

Our Mission

We at TYB10x (Train Your Brain 10x) are working on a noble mission of creating a new India with the right guidance and counseling for existing and upcoming generations.

Our career expert team will help children to know their potential and suitable career options available for them.

Our Vision

The main aim is to make parents and individuals to know that “everyone is born original and there is no need to live a life being a copy of someone.” We have unique and most reliable career selection and growth programs based on:

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Embryo science
  • Neuroscience
  • Dermatoglyphics
  • Pediatric psychology
  • Genetics

Our Offerings


Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test or DMIT Test is a scientific way of determining the distribution of innate intelligence of an individual.

DMIT Test is entirely based on the science of Dermatoglyphics and the concept of Multiple Intelligence introduced by Dr. Howard Gardner. 

To understand how DMIT works, you need to first understand the human brain which is divided into 5 lobes: frontal, prefrontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital. Each of these lobes is further divided into 2 parts as per brain division in right and left brain. This makes a total of 10 parts, each of which is responsible for a different function. 

Another interesting thing is brain formation and fingerprint formation is synchronized with the fetus in the mother’s body in the first 13 to 19 weeks. The 10 parts in the human brain are associated with 10 fingers. 

Interestingly, fingertips can be used to identify the strength and weaknesses of brain structures. It helps you understand the part of the brain that is the intelligence area.

If the fingerprint analysis report generated is correct, the DMIT test can give you results with up to 90% accuracy.

    dmit test

    DMIT for Kids

    DMIT test for kids can be helpful in the following ways:

    • It helps understand a child’s character traits.
    • It helps identify the best learning style.
    • It identifies a child’s innate abilities.
    • It can improve the relationship between a child and his/her parents. 
    • It helps select activities based on a child’s multiple intelligences and innate abilities. 

    DMIT for Professionals

    DMIT test is needed for professionals for the following reasons:

    • It helps identify your natural traits.
    • It helps develop your core competencies.
    • It helps you to understand your work management style.
    • It helps you figure out the most suitable leadership.
    • You can develop a stability chart based on your multiple intelligence.

    DMIT for Students

    Students and learners can also benefit from the DMIT test.

    • It helps you identify your intrinsic potential.
    • It gives a detailed report after comparing the right and left halves of your brain.
    • It helps you understand your creative and analytical mind.
    • It helps allocate various abilities based on your strength.
    • It identifies your weaknesses and helps you to work on them.
    • It is needed for SWOT analysis.

    DMIT for Adults

    Even adults can take advantage of the DMIT test in the following ways:

    • It helps improve your relationship with your close ones.
    • It helps you understand your loved one’s communication character better.
    • It helps you understand your partner’s personality traits and characteristics.
    • It can improve family relationships.
    • It can bring out your hidden talents.

    Psychometric Test

    Individuals, who are not familiar with the term “psychometric” must be wondering “what is psychometric test?” To put it in simple words, it is a standardized procedure used to measure the memory, sensitivity, personality, aptitude, and intelligence of a person.

    Psychometric meaning can be broken down into words: “Psycho” means Mind & “Metric” means Measure.

    Psychometric assessment is applied when determining a person’s capability to prosper in a certain professional job. It is often used by organizations to understand aspects of behavioral style and mental capacity that cannot be figured out through interviews.

    Psychometric testing is helpful in both clinical and educational settings. Train Your Brain 10x offers different types of psychometric test to evaluate individuals on various parameters. 

    Our psychometric assessment test can be taken by students, working professionals, and corporates. We offer psychometric test online, so individuals can take the test from the comfort of their homes.

    Benefits of Psychometric Test

    Psychometric analysis can be beneficial in many ways.

    • It helps understand personality traits. It helps identify interpersonal skills.
    • It can be used to judge the creative and analytical ability of a person.
    • It helps prepare the right career plan.
    Psychometric Test

    Types of Psychometric Tests

    There are different types of psychometric tests. This includes:

    Interest Test

    The type of psychometric test helps evaluate a child’s talents from multiple perspectives. It points out the different preferences and abilities that exist in a person. 

    With the interest test, experts can understand the different elements in a person that require guidance and progress.

    Aptitude Test

    A career aptitude test asks questions about your personality traits and generates a result that gives clarity for your chosen path. 

    By taking this test individuals can get a good idea about the types of jobs that might be suitable for them.

    Personality Test

    There also exists a personality test in psychometric analysis. It helps in assessing a person’s personality constructs. 

    Experts use a wide range of psychometric testing tools to understand and explore the socio-emotional characteristics of an individual.

      IQ Test

      The intelligence Quotient (IQ) test measures the intelligence of a person. But it is an approximation, with some amount of inaccuracy.

      IQ testing is considered to be beneficial for a wide range of purposes, including comprehensive evaluation, cognitive evaluation, job applicant evaluation, memory, etc.

      In addition to assessing a person’s general IQ, it also determines the abilities that the person excels at and the ones that require attention. 

      Neuro Linguistic Programming Test

      Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

      Those who have read books on neuro linguistic programming would know what it is. But for those who are unfamiliar, let’s first get “what is neuro linguistic programming” out of the way.

      In simple words, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach, involving analyzing strategies that help successful individuals achieve their goals. It helps you to understand how people organize their thoughts, language, behavior, and feelings to produce the results they do.

      NLP has three important components: effective communication, modeling, and action. The belief is that if a person can figure out how another person is successful at a task, the process can be copied by others to accomplish the same task.

      Aside from that, NLP is also used for success in business and personal development.

      Benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

      Neuro linguistic programming techniques can be beneficial to individuals in many ways.

      • It helps you to communicate more effectively.
      • It keeps you motivated.
      • It helps you beat procrastination and overcome phobias as well as depression.
      • It reprograms your mind for success.
      • It ends up limiting beliefs and behaviors.

        NLP for Adults

        We have neuro linguistic programming courses to help our clients live the truly meaningful life that they should.

        From financial stress to family and work pressure to career concerns, life is full of challenges. There’s always something playing on our minds. This is why we have adopted an individual approach to our psychological work.

        NLP for Family and Couples

        NLP for couples and families is crucial to change unwanted habitual patterns of behavior. Our experts work closely with couples and address various topics that they face while being in a long-term relationship with each other.

        At Train Your Brain 10x, we maintain an ethical and objective approach to all parties involved.

        NLP for Adults

        We have neuro linguistic programming courses to help our clients live the truly meaningful life that they should.

        From financial stress to family and work pressure to career concerns, life is full of challenges. There’s always something playing on our minds. This is why we have adopted an individual approach to our psychological work.

        NLP for Family and Couples

        NLP for couples and families is crucial to change unwanted habitual patterns of behavior. Our experts work closely with couples and address various topics that they face while being in a long-term relationship with each other.

        At Train Your Brain 10x, we maintain an ethical and objective approach to all parties involved.

        NLP for Workplace

        A working individual has to undergo a lot of work stress and pressure at the office. Over time, it takes a toll on their mind and mental health.

        Working under stress not only reduces productivity but is also bad for physical health. We work with employees experiencing workplace difficulties and also offer coaching services for professionals who feel stuck and are unaware of what step to take next in their careers.

        We follow a collaborative approach to restoring corporate mental health while improving both workspace and personal productivity.

        We also provide group and individual coaching, discrete and experienced mediation, and many other corporate services on request.

        Scientifically Proven Technology & Professional Counsellors.

        Our career expert team will help children know their potential and suitable career options available for them. We provide the lowest affordable prices all over India so that this life changing technology reaches common man.


        Corporate Counselling

        The corporate world is full of triggers and stresses for employees. Only a few people find it easy to deal with constant work pressure and elevated stress levels.

        Corporate Counselling aims at improving the mental and emotional health of employees. It is a valuable service that emphasizes their well-being.

        At Train Your Brain 10x, we have a team of industrial psychologists and corporate trainers who can take counselling sessions for the employees and help them be more productive.

        If you are looking for group career counselling sessions for your employees, get in touch with us. We are 24/7 available and ready to help.

        Career Counselling

        The choice of career determines the quality of your future. It is one of the most important and difficult decisions you will make in your life. If you feel indecisive, you probably need the help of a professional career counsellor.

         We provide both offline and online career counselling services for students and professionals. Our experts will guide you and help you choose the right career path for yourself. 

        We follow a simple career guidance process where you are given advice based on your skills, interest, personality, aptitude test, IQ test, etc. Talk to our career experts and get your confusion cleared.

        Student Counselling

        Student counselling is not limited to just mere advice given by a professional. A good counsellor will guide students and help them understand their problems.

        We have a team of certified professionals who work with students, teachers, and parents to help young learners succeed both academically and socially.

        Students struggling with their academics are a common thing. If you are worried about your child’s progress and result, we are here to help. Our experts make use of various tools and tests to understand the potential of the child. They will provide guidance and help your child improve in their academics.

        Job Counselling

        Having a good career plan can save you from choosing the wrong jobs. Job counselling can help you make the right transitions in your professional career. It helps you to explore possible career paths and learn about the expanding job marketplaces.

        At Train Your Brain 10x, we help individuals recognize their professional skills and direct them on the right career path. Our experts will help you examine various job options, so you can determine the right one for yourself.

        If you need help creating the right career plan for your future, contact us. We will help you find the job that suits your skill set.


        Increases Focus

        Build Self Confidence

        Enhances Creativity

        Improve Memory

        Discover Multi Sensory Skills


        "I would highly recommend TYB10X for DMIT program because it is a life skill every kid will need. [bg_collapse view="link" expand_text="Read More" collapse_text="Show Less"]Kalyani and Kuldeep are very good and very experienced they have a very clear plan about the training, very dedicated, updating promptly after each session, take care of each and every kid individually. They have planned the workshop in such a way kids never feel boring or they are going to some extra classes. My son who is 12, thoroughly enjoyed it and excited to practices, positive affirmation, brain gyms, blindfolds, and meditation. Practice these things I could see his confidence level has improved in a very short while. DMIT was very accurate and at this stage, it helps me to understand his behaviors and interests and mould his accordingly.


        Tanuja Shakya

        Govt. Primary Teacher

        "TYB10X's DMIT program is amazing and add lifelong value to your kids. A very unique way to train the young brain.[bg_collapse view="link" expand_text="Read More" collapse_text="Show Less"]DMIT has a revolutionary way of getting insight into multiple intelligences just by your fingerprints. A must explore and do as an investment for your kids. All the best Mr. Kuldeep (founder and CEO) in following your passion, kids love these programs."


        Er. Krishna Gopal Gupta

        Assist. Engineer, I.T.I Ltd Gonda

        "My son is a lively, vibrant, and confident 6-year old. I decided to get his DMIT test done by TYB10X purely on an experimental basis.[bg_collapse view="link" expand_text="Read More" collapse_text="Show Less"]I can say with conviction that the report described my son with at least 95 percent accuracy. I got to know the possible underlying reasons for his behavior, what to expect, what to be tolerant about, and most of all, what kind of motivation to give him …in order to make him natural-self flourish…. Who or what the future will shape him into, only time can tell…but I do have a road map laid out for myself due to the DMIT Test of TYB10X, now…thanks to TYB10X."


        Mr. Manish Kesari

        Bank Manager, Union Bank of India Unnao


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        Apply For Franchise

        Join TYB10X as a franchise and be a part of the revolution!

        Wish to start your own DMIT Business? Apply for our franchise right now.

        Several companies are offering DMIT franchise in India, but for the best service, you can rely on Train Your Brain 10x.

        DMIT Franchise stands for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Franchise. It is a scientific approach used to determine multiple intelligence and inborn abilities of an individual by analyzing fingerprints.

        We use the latest DMIT Software to generate DMIT Reports. This DMIT software is based on an algorithm that is developed by researching lakhs of individuals around the world.

        DMIT Test Software has two parts, FrontEnd and BackEnd. The front includes the DMIT Test report format which consists of design, images, number of pages, branding, co-branding, layout, and colour. DMIT test reports depend on various target segments like behaviour counselling, career counselling, corporate counselling, and others.

        The backend of DMIT software includes the algorithm that covers various parameters in the DMIT test including DMIT report accuracy, number of fingerprint patterns, and ease of use. The backend is the most important part of DMIT software.

        Another important thing about DMIT Test Software is that it requires human intervention to analyze fingerprints. This is where the need for a trained DMIT professional comes in. 

        DMIT software expert will analyze the fingerprint pattern correctly and provide an accurate DMIT report. They will also interpret the report to give you a better understanding. 

        When it comes to buying a DMIT Test Software, you must consider whether the organization is a retail business or just selling DMIT test software by changing the brand logo. It is recommended you purchase DMIT software from a retail or B2C company as they guide you to run your DMIT business successfully. 

        The most important thing about DMIT software is accuracy. No matter what platform it is based on, if it’s not accurate, it’s of no use. You should opt for offline DMIT test software as it gives you more control over the software. In the case of server-based DMIT software, the majority of the things are controlled by the service provider.

        DMIT Franchise in India

        DMIT Franchise in India gives rights to an organization or individual to use the name and technical skills of a DMIT Software, which is developed by that company.

        The parent company providing DMIT Franchise to organizations/individuals spent time, money, and effort to develop DMIT Software. It acts as a mentor in the DMIT field.

        When choosing a DMIT Franchise, you must consider the following factors:

        • It is important to know whether the Franchisor providing a DMIT Franchise is a proprietorship, private company, or partnership company.
        • Before opting for a DMIT Franchise, you must make sure that the software provides an accurate report. 
        • The DMIT Franchise you are purchasing should include presentations for schools and parents, DMIT research papers, digital marketing support, and training for interpreting the report.

        Train Your Brain 10x is the best DMIT franchise in India that offers DMIT franchise at a lower cost. If you are in search of a reliable DMIT software franchise, you should apply for your franchise right now.


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        What is Dermatoglyphics?

        Dermatoglyphics is a study of configurations of epidermal ridges on certain body parts, namely, palms, fingers, soles, and toes. The term is derived from ancient Greek: derma = skin, glyph = carving.

        Dermatoglyphic patterns begin to develop in the 10th week of gestation and are complete by the 24th week. Fingerprints of both hands are not the same and persist lifelong unless dermis is damaged. They are mainly under genetic control and can be used in the diagnosis of congenital malformations. Their uniqueness has led to the analyses of one's potential and preferences. During development, various creases develop on the brain and are reflected on fingerprints representing various regions of the brain and are commonly being used in dermatoglyphics mental intelligence test. Some parents have started analyzing their children' fingerprints in early age to understand their innate characters and learning potential in terms of personal, educational, or for preference in any other enterprise.

        What is the relationship between Finger Prints and the Human brain?

        In the earlier days, American doctors discovered a strange case where a baby is born without brain the disease was coined by name “anencephaly”. In anencephaly, many times with absence of brain even the fingerprints were missing. Cases like this had been repeated throughout history. In the gestation period fingerprints and brain development happens simultaneously during week 14 to week 21, leading medical experts to believe that the brain is absolutely linked to the fingerprints.

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        How does DMIT help Parents?

        Parents are in a better position to guide the learning experience of their children depending on their child’s natural ability and their learning style. They can adopt a learning curriculum that would stimulate the child’s development. If a child has lower bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, parents should focus on the physical aspects or fine motor skills of the child at an early age. The key here is to reduce the imbalance the child may have. By exposing the child at an earlier age, it will have a greater impact in reducing the imbalance as compared if it was introduced later.

        Child development research has established that the rate of human learning and development is most rapid in the preschool years. Early intervention becomes particularly important when a child runs the risk of missing an opportunity to learn during a state of maximum readiness. If the most teachable moments or stages of greatest readiness are not taken advantage of, a child may have difficulty learning a particular skill at a later time. Only through early identification and proper nurturing can children develop their potential. It is important that the nurturing starts young. If a child does not get the right kind of stimulus at the right age the neurological circuits will not develop properly, hence, compromising performance in that particular area.

        How is Dermatoglyphic multiple intelligence test be done?

        1. Acquire Fingerprints Biometric Information With Scanner.
        2. Computerized Derma-Analysis.
        3. Professional Consultation Service with Personalized Report.

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