“India’s No. 1 DMIT Company”

  • Phone - 9026523736
  • Email - connect@tyb10x.com

“India’s No. 1 DMIT Company”

  • Phone - 9026523736
  • Email - connect@tyb10x.com

Freelance with us

Be Your Own Boss

Freedom to Work whenever you want

Start your journey as an entrepreneur. India’s great revolution of empowering millions of youth with our latest technologies and the right guidance

Get started at just ₹25000. (25% off till this Diwali)

Support Provided By The Company

  • Lifetime membership with no renewal cost.
  • 3 years of training support
  • Software for DMIT testing
  • Digital marketing support
  • Support in sales and marketing


  • 50% flat profit sharing per DMIT test.
  • Lifetime access to the 10X CLUB Community is worth Rs. 7999/-
  • 20% flat payout on referrals

Apply at TYB 10X

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